Echo of Starsong is a narrative puzzle adventure game.Asteroids emitting a sound known as "Starsongs" have become the center of conflict for the immense power they hold. Determined to claim asteroids of his own, a young man ventures out with a girl who can imitate starsongs, lending her voice to unravel an ancient myth deep in the heart of space. "I will claim the starsongs, and bring honor to the clan." Exiled by his people, Jun ventures out in search of starsongs to redeem himself. But progress is slow, until he saves Eda, a witch who can pick up on the sound of asteroids. However, what appears to be a blessed encounter, will end up becoming a lifelong burden... Echo of Starsong - это сюжетная приключенческая игра-головоломка. Астероиды, издающие звук, известный как «Звездные песни», стали центром конфликта из-за их огромной силы. Будучи преисполнен решимости завладеть собственными астероидами, молодой человек отправляется на прогулку с девушкой, которая может имитировать звездные
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4-02-2022, 16:01